Terms and conditions of use

Terms and conditions

Before using the Platform, please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using the Platform, you accept and are bound by these terms and conditions. If you do not agree to any of these terms and conditions, please do not use the Platform.

1. General

1.1 This Agreement and any Schedules attached or referred to (if applicable) (“Agreement”) constitutes an agreement between you and SpliitSub.com (“SpliitSub”, “we” or “us”).

1.2 This Agreement governs, among other things

  • (a) Provide the SpliitSub Service (see below for definition);
  • (b) Your use of the Platform (see below for definition).

1.3 The service is intended for and can only be used by:

  • (a) Persons who are over the age of 18 and can enter into a legally binding contract under applicable law,

  • (b) Individuals under the age of 18 and under the consent and direct supervision of their parents or legal guardians. Any person under the age of 18 will be deemed to have obtained the approval of his or her legal guardian or parent for all transactions carried out under this Agreement, and the legal guardian or parent will be responsible for all activities carried out by the person under this agreement.

2. Definition and interpretation

2.1 In these conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, the following words have the following meanings:

Account refers to the account created and used by you to access or use the Platform. Buyer refers to the purchaser of any goods and/or services.

Goods and/or Services refer to the digital items, goods and/or services displayed, listed and/or provided on the Platform, SpliitSub Service: relates to the services and functions provided by SpliitSub on or through the Platform from time to time; Information refers to any information, detail, content, size, data, map, location, photos, text, description, specifications, audio or video clips, graphics and/or other materials. Intellectual property refers to patents, registered designs , designs, copyrights, names, brands, trade names, trademarks, service marks and logos and any other knowledge, industry and/or property.

A sales contract refers to an agreement concluded on the platform for the sale of any goods and/or services.

Personal Data shall have the meaning specified in the Privacy Policy; The Privacy Policy refers to the policies governing the processing of Personal Data published by SpliitSub on the Platform.

Platform means the online platform (website, mobile site or mobile application) developed and/or operated by SpliitSub.

Registration Process refers to the registration process established by SpliitSub to enable you to register and open an account with SpliitSub.

Representative means employees, employees, officials, agents, subcontractors, workers, staff and/or representatives of related parties.

You/Your: Refers to all users of the platform, mainly but not limited to buyers.

2.2 In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:

  • (a) Indicates that the singular includes the plural, and vice versa.
  • (b) The term indicating a natural person includes a legal person and an unincorporated legal person.
  • (c) The reference to any law, legislation or any provision of any law or legislation shall include all relevant provisions, statutory requirements and documents promulgated pursuant to that law, legislation or provision, together with any changes, amendments or modifications to the one of the above. Reconstruction.
  • (d) The heading of this Agreement is inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation or construction of this Agreement.
  • (e) References to any party to this or any other agreement or instrument shall include that party's successor and permitted assign.
  • (f) Any interpretation or rule of construction shall not be applied to the disadvantage or prejudice of the party controlling or responsible for the preparation of this Agreement.
  • (g) Any word following the term including, including or any similar expression shall be construed as descriptive and does not limit the generality of relevant common words.

3. Enter the platform

3.1 If you wish to access the SpliitSub platform and services, you must create an account in SpliitSub according to the registration process.

After successful registration, you can access the SpliitSub platform and services by logging into your account.

SpliitSub has the right to conduct background checks on you and has the right to decide alone whether to refuse to grant you access to the SpliitSub Platform and Services or any part thereof.

During the registration process, you may be asked to provide verification or additional information.

3.2 You will be solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and protection of your account username and password, and must immediately notify SpliitSub of any unauthorized access to your account. Any instruction, notice or confirmation that SpliitSub receives from your account will be deemed to have been issued by you, although such notice or confirmation may have been issued by a third party, whether authorized or unauthorized, and you will be bound by such instruction, this opinion. or confirm. SpliitSub is not responsible for any actions taken pursuant to any instructions, notices or confirmations sent through your account. SpliitSub is not obligated to investigate the authenticity or authority of the person sending/executing the instruction, notice or confirmation, nor to verify the integrity of such instruction, notice or confirmation.

3.3 You must closely monitor all activities and transactions through your Account, and you must take all steps and measures to verify and verify the transaction history of your Account. You must notify SpliitSub immediately:

  • (a) Any unusual activity or transaction related to your account, or any activity or transaction that is not accurately recorded in your account.
  • (b) When receiving incomplete, truncated or inaccurate data or information from SpliitSub.
  • (c) After receiving data or information that is not acceptable to you, you may not use or disclose such data or information without the written consent of SpliitSub.

3.4 Unless expressly agreed by SpliitSub, each person is limited to a single account. Do not create accounts in the name or to impersonate others. If SpliitSub discovers that such a fraudulent account has been created, SpliitSub reserves the right to immediately suspend the account and reserves the right to take other corrective action, including but not limited to notifying authorities competent, SpliitSub assumes no responsibility.

4. Use of the SpliitSub platform/service

4.1 In consideration of your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, SpliitSub grants you a non-exclusive and non-transferable right to access and use the SpliitSub Platform and Services only to the extent necessary for this Agreement. The SpliitSub platform and/or services must not be commercialized under any circumstances.

4.2 The SpliitSub Platform, the SpliitSub Service and/or all information contained on the SpliitSub Platform and/or the SpliitSub Service or provided through the SpliitSub Platform and/or the SpliitSub Service will be collectively referred to as the “SpliitSub Platform/Service”, and references to the Platform SplitSub. /service must include any part. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement or with the prior written consent of SpliitSub, you may not and may not attempt, whether on your own or by authorizing any third party:

  • (a) Copy, distribute, recreate and/or propagate the SpliitSub Platform/Service, unless the conduct is incidental to the normal use of the SpliitSub Platform/Service, or for this Agreement or for other reasons of backup and/or operational security.
  • (b) Rent, sublicense, loan, translate, merge, adapt, change or modify the SpliitSub Platform/Service.
  • (c) Make changes or modifications to all or part of the SpliitSub Platform/Service, or permit the SpliitSub Platform/Service to be combined with any other program or included in any other program.
  • (d) Disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer or create derivative works based on all or any part of the SpliitSub Platform/Service.
  • (e) Provide all or part of the base software (including target code and source code) of the Platform to anyone in any form or otherwise.
  • (f) Use the SpliitSub Platform/Service in any unlawful manner, for any unlawful purpose, or in any manner inconsistent with or unauthorized by this Agreement, or in fraud or malicious conduct.
  • (g) Collect or obtain information from the SpliitSub Platform/Service or SpliitSub's system, or attempt to decipher any transmission with the server running a SpliitSub Service.
  • (h) Access any data or information that is inappropriate for you, including, but not limited to, logging into servers or accounts that you do not have access to.
  • (i) Use any equipment, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the normal operation of the Platform and/or transmit or distribute any malicious code, viruses or harmful data to or through the Platform or any operating system.
  • (j) Misuse, abuse or invade any aspect of the SpliitSub Platform/Service in any manner, or otherwise damage the integrity of the SpliitSub Software or System.
  • (l) Use the SpliitSub Platform/Service in the following ways:
  • (i) damage, disable, overburden, impair or endanger SpliitSub’s system, software and/or security.
  • (ii) interfere with other users' access to the SpliitSub Platform/Service.Use and enjoy.

4.3 After registering on SpliitSub, you will automatically join the SpliitSub virtual family. You will be entitled to a virtual home sharing service by SpliitSub subscription.

4.4 To ensure a quality experience for all users of the shared account, please ensure that your connected devices meet the following guidelines:

(a) No more than one device connected at any time.

(b) Only one device broadcasting at a time.

Failure to follow these guidelines will result in forced disconnection of all your devices.

5. Personal information

5.1 All personal data, information collected by SpliitSub will be processed by SpliitSub in accordance with the privacy policy published on the platform.

5.2 If any data or information provided by SpliitSub and/or collected or processed by you on behalf of SpliitSub contains personal data in accordance with this Agreement, you agree to:

  • (i) comply with the required Privacy Policy and will not cause SpliitSub to breach its Privacy Policy (as a “Data User”),
  • (ii) complies with the personal data protection policy published by SpliitSub, from time to time.
  • (iii) upon SpliitSub's reasonable request, provide SpliitSub with access to any Personal Data.
  • (iv) If you become aware of a violation or possible violation of your obligations in the processing of personal data, please notify SpliitSub immediately in accordance with this agreement.

This provision will continue to be in effect after any termination of this Agreement.

6. Privacy

6.1 “Confidential Information” means any information of any type provided to the recipient by the disclosing party or on behalf of the disclosing party, whether in machine-readable or visual form, oral or otherwise, and regardless of the fact that it is marked as "confidential", whether before or after the start of the term of this agreement, it is used for purposes related to this agreement. Confidential information shall include, without limitation, technical information, data, know-how, information relating to the business of the disclosing party or its respective affiliates, trade secrets, revenues or information about revenues, marketing strategies, financial condition and operations, and any other information. By its nature, it is confidential and proprietary information of the disclosing party or its suppliers/affiliates.

6.2 “Confidential Information” shall not include the following information: (i) At the time of disclosure, the recipient already possesses and has no obligation of confidentiality, and the party can determine valid evidence in a reasonably sufficient manner and credible, such as prior possession; (ii) Developed independently by the Receiving Party, (iii) Except in the event that the Receiving Party or its representative breaches this Agreement, thereby making it generally available to the public or becoming generally available; Obtained confidentially; however, the premise is that the recipient is unaware that the source is bound by a confidentiality agreement or other legal or fiduciary obligation to keep the disclosing party confidential.

6.3 Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the recipient of any Confidential Information agrees not to disclose such Confidential Information to any person unless (i) the law or any stock exchange or court of competent jurisdiction requires disclosure; (ii) whether this Agreement permits such disclosure; (iii) there is a clear need to know this confidential information from their respective representatives and/or legal, financial and/or accounting consultants; and/or (iv) with the prior written approval of the disclosing party.

6.4 If any of SpliitSub's confidential information must be disclosed in any manner as a result of any applicable law or securities trading system or the provisions of a court of competent jurisdiction, you must promptly notify in writing at any time sufficient for SpliitSub to seek protective orders or other appropriate remedies. Disclosure to SpliitSub prior to disclosure of metrics. You must: (i) Disclose only the minimum information required by law and, upon SpliitSub's request, use commercially reasonable efforts to obtain confidential treatment of SpliitSub's confidential information to be disclosed and permit SpliitSub (if you do so) wish) to return. Take such action as it deems necessary or desirable to challenge such disclosures or otherwise modify or minimize such disclosures; (ii) Cooperate fully with SpliitSub.

6.5 All Confidential Information shall be used solely for the purposes of this Agreement.

6.6 This clause shall survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement for any reason.

7. Consumer protection

7.1 Notwithstanding anything in this section, if the Consumer Protection Act 1999 (the “Act”) applies and you, as a consumer, transact under the Act (a consumer will have the meaning specified in the Law, “consumer”),

  • (a) This agreement is intended only to exclude or limit the remedies and rights available to you to the maximum extent permitted by law.
  • (b) Nothing in this Agreement is intended to exclude or limit SpliitSub's negligence towards you by reason of
  • (i) SpliitSub's liability for any loss or damage caused.
  • (ii) SpliitSub has violated the express or implied terms of this agreement without sufficient reason.

8. Warranty, unavailability and disclaimer

8.1 SpliitSub warrants that the SpliitSub Services will be provided with reasonable care and skill.

8.2 Information provided to you through the SpliitSub Platform or Services may be provided to SpliitSub by a third party. Although SpliitSub uses reasonable efforts to ensure that such information is provided to you in the original form provided by a third party, SpliitSub does not guarantee that the information is accurate, complete, reliable, original, current, or error-free.

8.3 Concerning the use of the SpliitSub platform and/or services, SpliitSub does not guarantee:

  • (a) The functions contained in the SpliitSub platform and/or service will meet your requirements;
  • (b) The operation of the SpliitSub platform and/or service will be neither interrupted nor error-free.
  • (c) Any defects in the SpliitSub Platform and/or Services will be corrected.
  • (d) The Platform is free from viruses, breaches, online interruptions or other harmful threats. Before accessing the Platform, you are responsible for implementing all necessary security and anti-virus protection measures on or in your computer or mobile device.

8.4 You understand, acknowledge and accept:

  • (a) Opinions or suggestions are matters of opinion and may not represent the true application, quality or features of a particular service. Therefore, you agree that any suggestions or suggestions provided by SpliitSub, its employees or agents will be fully followed or act at your own risk. Therefore, SpliitSub is not responsible for these suggestions or recommendations.
  • (b) All transactions carried out on the Platform are carried out via telecommunications and data networks. Therefore, you may delay or prevent receiving notifications from SpliitSub due to factors affecting related service providers and other related parties, and vice versa. You agree that SpliitSub cannot guarantee timely delivery of any such notices or confirmations.
  • (c) In some cases, the SpliitSub Platform or Services may be unavailable due to maintenance, update or upgrade work or for other reasons beyond the control of SpliitSub. SpliitSub does not guarantee that the SpliitSub Platform and/or Services will always be available, and SpliitSub assumes no liability for any such unavailability in any manner.

9. Limitation of liability

9.1 To the extent permitted by laws and regulations,

  • (a) The Platform, the SpliitSub Services and all information provided to you by SpliitSub through the Platform and/or the SpliitSub Services are provided “as is” and “available” without any form of warranty, and SpliitSub hereby disclaims presents any exceptions to this agreement In addition, all warranties and conditions regarding the platform and the SpliitSub services and information provided to you by SpliitSub.
  • (b) SpliitSub will not be liable for any costs, losses, damages, claims, fines, penalties, liabilities and/or expenses incurred by you due to any information provided by SpliitSub through the Platform; (c) Under no circumstances will SpliitSub pay indirect, incidental, punitive and/or consequential damages and/or losses, profits, goodwill, loss of production and/or revenue and/or any other type of special loss and/or if such losses and/or the damages are reasonably foreseeable, or if SpliitSub has been advised of the possibility of the same event, regardless of the damages.

Any claims, fines, penalties, liabilities and/or expenses incurred under this Agreement shall not exceed SGD 30 or the corresponding fees paid by you for the disputed SpliitSub Service, whichever is greater.

10. Remuneration

10.1 You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless SpliitSub, its affiliates and their respective directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any expenses, losses, damages, claims, fines, penalties, liabilities and/or expenses (including personal injury costs of attorney, no matter how incurred pursuant to this Agreement, include, but are not limited to, expenses incurred or related to your negligence, omission and/or violation of this Agreement.

This compensation will be awarded regardless of whether legal proceedings are taken or not, and if such proceedings are taken, regardless of the method, manner or nature of any settlement, compromise or award. For the avoidance of doubt, nothing in this clause shall prevent or restrict SpliitSub from exercising any other rights and obligations under this Agreement.

11. Force Majeure

11.1 SpliitSub will not be liable to you or liable to you due to any delay in performing or failure to perform SpliitSub's obligations under this Agreement or will be deemed to have breached this Agreement, if the delay or the failure is due to a reason beyond the reasonable control of SpliitSub. Reasons for scope including but not limited to:

  • (a) Fire, natural disaster, storm, explosion, earthquake, flood, storm, accident or other natural disaster.
  • (b) War or threat of war, destruction, rebellion, civil conflict or expropriation.
  • (c) Any action, restriction, regulation, rule, prohibition or measure of any nature emanating from a government, parliament or local authority.
  • (d) strikes, lockouts or other industrial action or trade disputes.
  • (e) Difficulty obtaining raw materials, labor, fuel, parts or machinery.
  • (f) Telecommunications, transportation, power or system interference or failure, or machine failure that affects the Platform, the SpliitSub Service or any part thereof.

12. Rights and Suspension of SpliitSub

12.1 Without prejudice to any other rights that SpliitSub may have under this Agreement or at law, SpliitSub has the right to immediately (without notice):

  • (a) Suspend or terminate your access to the SpliitSub Platform and/or Services.
  • (b) Delete any information you submit, upload or transmit to or through the Platform.
  • (c) Suspend or restrict any activity and/or transactions related to your account.
  • (d) withhold, retain or confiscate any money owed to you.

In one of the following events:

  • (a) SpliitSub believes that your performance of any sales contract is not in accordance with SpliitSub's unilateral judgment.
  • (b) SpliitSub reasonably believes that your use of the SpliitSub Platform and/or Services will interfere with or interfere with other users' use or enjoyment of the SpliitSub Platform or Services.
  • (c) You are found to have violated any of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, or SpliitSub has reasonable grounds to suspect that you may have committed such a violation.

13. Termination

13.1 Without prejudice to any other rights that SpliitSub may have under this Agreement or at law, SpliitSub may immediately terminate this Agreement by written notice if:

(a) You have violated any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement and you have failed to cure such violations within thirty (30) days after written notice to you from SpliitSub;

13.2 Without affecting any other rights and remedies that SpliitSub may have under this Agreement or at law, in the event of termination:

  • (a) All rights granted to you under this Agreement will terminate.
  • (b) You must immediately stop all activities authorized by this Agreement.
  • (c) You must immediately destroy or return all SpliitSub Confidential Information in your possession upon SpliitSub's request, and prove to SpliitSub that you have done so.

14. Changes

14.1 SpliitSub reserves the right to add, delete, amend or modify this Agreement or any part of it at any time, or to impose new conditions, including, but not limited to, an increase in access and usage fees. Any such addition, deletion, modification or amendment shall be effective immediately upon receipt of notice. The method of notification may include, but is not limited to, posting on the Platform, or by email or postal mail, or by any other means. Your use of the SpliitSub Platform and/or Services following the provision of such notice will be deemed to have accepted this Agreement and made such additions, deletions, amendments or modifications.

14.2 You must notify SpliitSub immediately

If you do not agree to any such addition, deletion, amendment or modification, unless otherwise agreed by SpliitSub, this agreement will be deemed terminated after you notify SpliitSub of the disagreement.

14.3 SpliitSub reserves the right to change or discontinue any aspect or feature of the SpliitSub Platform and/or Services at any time, including, but not limited to, content, time available and equipment required for access and use.

14.4 Unless both parties agree in writing, any modification or change by you to this agreement is invalid and binding.

15. Notification

15.1 The address, email address or fax notified by the other party or provided to the other party via the Platform. Such notice will be deemed to have been given

  • (a) if delivered in person, on the next business day following delivery.
  • (b) if delivered by registered mail or courier, five (5) days after delivery.
  • (c) If sending by fax, after receiving the confirmation report, explain whether the fax was successfully sent before 5 p.m. On working days, if sent after 5 p.m. on a working or non-working day, the next working day, or
  • (d) if sent by email, after the email is successfully sent, if sent before 5 p.m., it is recorded as a sent email. On working days, if sent after 5pm on a working day or on a non-working day, the next working day.

15.2 Unless otherwise agreed or provided in this Agreement, all notices and other communications sent to any party under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be valid and sufficient when sent or sent in the following ways:

If you received it via SplititSub

  • (a) By posting, publishing or sending notices on or through the relevant platforms.
  • (b) By email to the email address provided or notified by you.
  • c) Published in newspapers.
  • (d) Send to your mobile number registered in SpliitSub via short message service (SMS). (e) Send email to support@SpliitSub.com

15.3 Notice will be deemed to have been given

  • (a) if delivered in person, the next business day following delivery.
  • (b) If delivered by registered mail or courier, three (3) jobs after delivery
  • (C) If sent by email, once the email is successfully sent, if sent before 5 p.m., it will be recorded as a sent email. One business day, if sent after 5 p.m. or on a non-business day, the next business day
  • (d) If sent on the relevant platform or through the relevant platform or via SMS by posting, posting or sending a notice, send it immediately after successful posting, posting or sending, in case of posting, publication or sending before 5 p.m. On weekdays, if you post, post or send after 5 p.m.

Or on a non-working day, the next working day.

15.4 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in these Terms, notices sent by email shall not apply to any laws, notices, claims, demands, disputes, disputes and/or disputes.

16. Entire Agreement

16.1 This Agreement (together with all documents referred to in this Agreement) constitutes a complete agreement between the parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes any oral or written agreement, understanding or arrangement entered into between the parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement. this Agreement, and Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, any representation, promise or undertaking stated or written during negotiation between the parties prior to this Agreement shall be deemed to have been given or implied.

17. Transfer, replacement, commission and subcontracting

17.1 Without the prior written consent of SpliitSub, you may not assign, assign, replace and/or subcontract any of your rights and/or obligations under this Agreement to any third party. SpliitSub may assign, assign, replace and/or subcontract any or all of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any of its affiliates. 17.1

Without the prior written consent of SpliitSub, you may not assign, assign, substitute and/or subcontract any of your rights and/or obligations under this Agreement to any third party. SpliitSub may assign, assign, replace and/or subcontract any or all of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any of its affiliates.

18. Payment rules

18.1 Single payment rules

  • (a) Purchase page: On the purchase page, you can select the subscription duration, for example 3 months, 6 months or 12 months.
  • (b) Service validity period: upon payment, you will receive the corresponding duration of the subscription. The subscription service will automatically cease at the end of the specified period and you can decide whether or not to continue the subscription.
  • (c) Checkout page: On the checkout page, you will see the detailed order total. You can choose a single payment method, including options such as credit cards, debit cards or other online payment methods.
  • (d) Payment Methods: You have the option to make a one-time payment using credit cards, debit cards or other online payment methods.

This diverse range of payment options offers convenience and flexibility.

  • (e) Confirmation email: After making the one-time payment, you will usually receive a detailed confirmation email. This email includes specific order information, payment amount, selected subscription duration, and other relevant details.
  • (f) Renewal reminder: We will remind you by email three days before your subscription expires. You can choose to upgrade from your current subscription to automatic monthly deductions or purchase a new one.

18.2 Recurring billing rules

  • (a) Billing Cycle: Some of our Services operate on a monthly billing cycle. Billing will occur on the same day each month, based on the date of the initial subscription.
  • (b) Billing Notification: To ensure you are aware of upcoming deductions, we will send you a reminder email three days before each renewal. The email will include detailed information about the upcoming deduction, such as the deduction date, amount, and subscription. An unsubscribe link will be provided in the email, allowing you to easily unsubscribe from the automatic subscription service. Additionally, you can also log in to SpliitSub at any time to cancel the service through your personal account.
  • (c) Billing Amount: Each billing amount will be the regular subscription price. In the event of a price adjustment, we will notify you 30 days in advance.
  • (d) Payment Method: You must associate a valid payment method for automatic billing. Please ensure your payment method has sufficient funds to complete billing. Our website does not store sensitive information such as credit card security numbers (CVV).
  • (f) Late Payment: If billing fails, we will attempt to bill again within the next 3 days. After 3 consecutive billing failures, the service will be automatically suspended until billing is successful.
  • (f) Subscription Cancellation: You may cancel your subscription service at any time. To avoid the next billing, cancellation must be made at least 24 hours before the next billing date.
  • (g) Other Terms: All fees are exclusive of applicable taxes. We reserve the right to change the billing rules if necessary, but will notify you in advance.

19. No exemption

19.1 Neither party has failed or delayed in exercising any right or remedy under this Agreement at any time or for any period of time, and neither party has known, acquiesced in or breached the provisions of this agreement which would act or be deemed to have been renounced. , The party's waiver of any breach of contract does not constitute a continuing waiver of any subsequent or continuing breach of contract. Unless the waiver is executed in writing, any rights or remedies under this Agreement shall not be waived.

20. Successors and assigns

20.1 This Agreement is binding upon both parties and their permitted assigns and successors in rights.

21. Divisibility

21.1 Any illegal, invalid or unenforceable terms, conditions, provisions, provisions, contracts or promises contained in this agreement (the “Provisions” and any reference to the provisions shall include any part thereof) shall be fully acceptable to the following scope: The illegality, invalidity, or unenforceability of the points and invalidity, without invalidating the remaining part

The provisions contained in this agreement are not affected by any illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision or by their severance from this agreement. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provisions had never been a part of this Agreement. If any provision of this Agreement or the enforcement of any provision is illegal or unenforceable or determined to be illegal or unenforceable, the provision will continue to apply and make such modifications as may be necessary to make the provision legal, effective and enforceable.

22. No partnership/agent

22.1 Nothing in this Agreement will establish or be deemed to establish a joint venture or partnership between the two parties. Neither party has any right to act, make representations, bind or enter into contracts on behalf of the other party.

23. Applicable law

23.1 These TERMS AND CONDITIONS and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of France.

24. Survival

24.1 The Contract, conditions and terms of this Agreement may take effect and continue to be valid according to their nature after termination or expiration of this Agreement, and remain in full force and effect after termination or expiration of this Agreement.

Annex A
The buyer pays

The relevant Buyer shall pay the amount of any sales contract (“Sale Contract Amount”) through the payment gateway available on the Platform in accordance with such terms and conditions as may be imposed by the relevant payment gateway service provider.


  • 1. You have no right to set off any payment due to SpliitSub against any claim made by you or any payment due to you.
  • 2. If SpliitSub has reason to suspect that you are involved in fraud or other similar activities, SpliitSub has the right to cancel any payment request you have made.

Limitation of Liability/Disclaimer

This website and affiliate network marketing plan are provided “as is” and “available” for your reference and use without any representation or endorsement. To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we make no express or implied warranties for this website or its affiliate programs, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of quality, functionality and suitability for specific purposes. Purpose, non-infringement, compatibility, security, accuracy, conditions or completeness, or any implied warranty arising from the transaction, use or course of dealing.

To the extent permitted by applicable laws, we will not assume any of the following liabilities:

  • 1. Any economic loss (including, but not limited to, loss of income, profit, contract, business or expected savings).
  • 2. Any loss of goodwill or reputation.
  • 3. Any special, indirect or consequential loss, in any event.

Compensate and stay harmless

You agree to indemnify SpliitSub LIMITED (and each of our officers, directors, members, employees, agents and affiliates) against any claims, demands, disputes, damages, losses, costs or expenses, including, but not limited to, reasonable legal fees due to or relating to: your use or conduct of our affiliate programs; or your violation of these terms and conditions. Furthermore, you agree to assume full responsibility for (and to fully indemnify us for) all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses (including legal fees) incurred by or relating to any violation of the terms and terms. And affiliate programs, or any other person's use of your user account, device or Internet access account to access the Service or any other liability arising from us; or you violate any law or the rights of a third party.


The Site is owned and operated by SpliitSub LIMITED